Tuesday, March 24, 2009

3rd b-day party





we threw tulsi a party in the auditorium and it went really well. my mom, donna and kara came up and it was a HUGE help and also tulsi's favorite part of her birthday. she thought it was sooooooooooo funny that they were sleeping in the building. she told me she would miss me and papa too much to sleep there...ahhhhhh cute!
her party turned out to be HUGE! only 2 families could not make it. on her 1st b-day we over prepared and not many residents came, but this time sooooooo many came, which was great but it was a bit overwhelming. all in all the kids had fun, which was the point. tulsi said the next day that she would like to do that again! for me, i could barely get off the couch the following day i was wiped out!
tulsi was fighting a cold that has been going on and has now officially gotten it. she is taking being sick great.
crystal, shannon, natayla and sarah k thank you so much for helping!!!
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