Sunday, February 22, 2009

shinny tulsi




luckily saturday was jon's day off, cause i was in bad shape in the morning. annalee had not been napping and at night waking every hour. by friday night i was burnout before even going to bed. from 9pm-12:30 annalee had already awaken and wailed 5 times. i really lost my cool and jon took her in the living room for awhile, but i could still hear her even with a pillow over my head. caring for babies is just HARD, even when they are good baby. lately my babes take turns being the harder one to care for daily. bummer! i cant imagine having more than 2! what shitty odds you would have to having a decent day. so saturday morning i just could not get out of bed. jon took both of them and even made and brought me breakfast in bed. even with that perk i still thought i was in for a really bad day! but it turned out to be great. jon did have to go to dishes at lunch, so i was alone with the girls. tulsi wanted to dance, and of course i wanted to take pictures, so all of us had fun. jon invited us for the peacock feeding and we had a great time along our walk.
annalee is trying to make up for the lack of sleep for days by today taking an epic 4 hour nap :) oh children!

i did want to account some recent stories from tulsi.
on friday i watched tulsi's friend marcy and on the way home from school tulsi accounted to marcy this story.
when my mom was in labor, my aunty donna asked her if she wanted underware on. my mom told her NO! im having a baby i dont need underware. that aunty donna is soooooooo silly! you dont need underware on when you are having a baby! marcy have you had a baby?

this other story is for my friend chelsea wolfenberg (okay abella) in africa.
lately tulsi wants to know people's first, middle and last name. she wanted to know her good friend maxx's last name.
i said wolfenberg. she responded "do they like wolves and birds? is that why their last name is wolfandbird?"
me and jon laughed so hard cause she was so witty.
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Anonymous said...

Maureen- That is hilarious. Kids are so cute. Hope you are doing well. Miss you. Love all the blog posts!

kate said...

Maureen!!! Wow, I have missed your energy, creativity and spirit! I ma so glad to see that you are so happy and a MOTHER! It is wonderful, but also a very seldfless and energy zapping job, isn't it? So great to see that you have a husband who is so willing to share the responsibility and get you refreshed when needed! Your girls are beautiful, love those Cassidy eyes! I look forward to checking back often to see what's new with you too! visit me at