Monday, September 15, 2008

long wait eh





well if anyone regularly checks the blog, sorry for the lull. here are some pictures of little annalee. she seems to be getting so big so quick. today she was SUPER smiley and it warmed my heart. she's got awesome control of her head and i swear she rolled on her side the first week of her being born, and still does it. most times i change her and put her on her back she rolls right to one side. is this normal???
she once got her chubby leg caught between the bar on the changing table and me or jon could not get it out. jon had to get his electric drill and take part of the changing table apart.
opps, i guess that reviels that i do leave my child unattended on the changing table...well i used to.
today we also had our first parent teacher meeting at tulsi's preschool where we discussed important things like if the school was going to participate in the town Halloween parade and if so who would drive the truck and donate hay bails...

things are good here. suddenly things are really busy for both me and jon.
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