Wednesday, June 4, 2008

yes!!! passing out!



since the weather has turned nice, and i am actually a functioning parent tulsi has been wanting to do so much. she wants to be outside playing and going on adventures constantly and unfortunately has little tolerance with being inside and playing by herself lately. we do 4 "toddler activities" a week, and often on wednesday (our home day) we go to the garden. plus we go out and play on the tute's playgrounds, or with neighbor kids, or our swings often, but she still wants more.
it totally got to me today because i wanted a break to just lay on the couch for awhile and rest my growing belly, but tulsi just kept whining and forget about forcing a nap. we did some activities and then i called my good friend monica and while i was on the phone with her tulsi was being whinny after her bath and i just left her swaddled on the couch and went into the bedroom. a minute or 2 later there was no whinning and i saw that she had passed out on the couch.
that is instant happiness!!!! this has never happend before and well i will hope for more passing out to sleep.
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