Sunday, March 23, 2008

happy birthday...well sort of





the past four months plus have been really LOW for us here with me being so ill with pregnancy and the flu now affecting each family memeber. each of us have had a truly sh*** birthday. march 21st was tulsi and she was a whimpering mess who did not want to leave me or jons lap most of the day. i thought by keeping the plan to have a few of tulsi's favorite people over would brighten her birthday plus she LOVES b-day cake with candles. she talks at length and sings about the birthdays. when the 4 guests came and tusli was still moaning i felt like the worst mother making my kid celebrate and have friends over when she was sick. but then natalya gave tulsi a sesame street coloring book with bert and ernie (her current obsession) and she lite up and jumped of my lap. from then she was happy and even ate a very small amount of b-day cake, but she wouldnt blow out the candles (a good sign of being sick, cause she loves to blow out any candle).
i did not get any pics or video of when everyone was over, but angela stayed later to play and she made tulsi's b-day. yeah angela and THANK YOU. anegla brought a basket and you can see what happened to some of the content by looking at the photos.
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