Sunday, July 27, 2008

little sick one




tulsi caught a virus from a friend the other day. she had a super high fever and did not want to move for ALL DAY.
she was so sad looking. but it was the easiest sickness yet. she just needed to be cuddled. it felt like i was having my "laying in" time with tulsi before the baby came. that term "laying in" is commonly used after birth when a mother and newborn dont leave the bed for days. they just rest and recover and bond. the mother does leave to use the bathroom but other than that she lays with her newborn.
we will see how long that will last for us.

so the pictures are of the other day we went for a walk when tulsi was sick. she didnt even want to be out walking. i tried to use the timer on a rock to take a family pic, but it is a little off.
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