Tuesday, March 24, 2009

when you walk away


last thursday i got allllllllll to comfortable with the sugaring thing and i walked away from my pot. it was supposed to of been just for a couple of minutes, but the kids kept needing things, and i spaced off my duties, and i came back to...black pot of burnt syrup...yuk!

maple syrup update. we pulled the 7 taps out that were left. but with tulsi's party i still have not processed 15 gallons of sap that are left.

before i had frowned at the expensive cost of maple syrup and now i think it is a DEAL!!!!
you can buy a gallon of syrup for around $40 to $50 but to get a gallon yourself it cost much more!
between taps, pots, fuel, a camp stove, and sooooooooooooo much time it takes to process believe me really dont fret on the cost, it takes so much energy to make syrup.

the experience (still not over) is really satisfying and fun. plus SUPER tasty! in the end we will certainly have our gallon of syrup and we hope that will last us till next spring.
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