Monday, January 12, 2009

bird bird





we have lots of birds in our bushes, and im hoping to get some good bird pictures this winter.
we are having HUGE problems with our bird feeder. the deer keep eating it! we keep the bird see in our entry way and i keep hearing the deer knocking at our door...really. okay they are using their hoofs, but it trips me out when i open the door to 5 furry deer running.
so we have to come up with another plan.

anyway, my mom and jon's dad have been loyally checking the blog and have been disappointed for days! i was only coming on to blog a few pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i really take a lot of pictures! oh well...i like it, and hopefully you do too.

a funny quote.
tulsi was telling jon about how jason lost a tooth and she said to jon that jason woke up and there was "cash money" under his pillow.
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